Tuesday, January 10, 2012

January 4, 2012: Corporate Bohemian

I got more comments last week about what I was wearing to work that I have in a long time beginning with purple tights and continuing with this outfit. Apparently this fall color palette was so comment worthy that I had a full gamut of people give me their opinion about it. My favorite was a male co-worker of mine who told me that mustard yellow was his favorite color and that I was awesome for wearing it in the office; The new hire who called me a corporate bohemian and this quite girl who never speaks telling me that maroon and gold were her school colors was cool as well. I didn't even think of it when I got dressed but, these are my high school colors as well... awkward?   

What is your favorite color palette to wear to the office? Is there anything that is off limits?
  • Topred long sleeved shirt, Van Heusen (same shirt different color here); khaki safari jacket, LOFT (same jacket different color herehereherehere, and here)
  • Bottomyellow and brown polka dot skirt, Merona for Target
  • Shoes & Accessories: brown pumps, Candies via Kohl's; silver bead earrings, Tiffany & Co.; silver bead necklace, Vintage; Neverfull GM, Louis Vuitton/gift from BF

Items from this outfit are previously seen and remixed here, here, here, hereherehereherehereherehere, here, and here.