Thursday, December 30, 2010

December 29, 2010: Need Commuter Shoe

As a person living in NYC I have seen many a commuter shoe and I have never been a fan. If your fancy high heeled sandal doesn't work in tsunami like conditions maybe you should consider coming up with an outfit that looks cute with rain boots. Not rocket science but, yesterday I must have forgotten my reality; I guess I blocked out being snowed in, ignored what I saw out the window, or maybe I was overly excited to show off these fantastic tights... either way I tried to leave my apartment building in these lovely (and grossly unrealistic) shoes. What was I thinking? I could barely walk and as I slid back up the driveway to change into a more practical shoe I instantly gained a greater appreciation for the commuter shoe. It doesn't have to be a ratty gym sneaker, it could be an awesome pair of boots or flats. Also, 2+2=4... what revelations!
  • Top: gray shirt dress, New York and Company with a tank top underneath, for the modesty; black long cardigan, New York and Company
  • Shoes & AccessoriesRegal black rain boot, courtesy of Cougar; black belt, New York and Company; teal tights, Comfort Choice/Christmas gift from Cousin V (on sale here); glass bead necklace, Christmas gift from Cousin M; silver bead earrings, Tiffany & Co.; purple tote bag, Coach

Items from this outfit are previously seen here and here:


  1. So glad you still managed to use these tights because they are 100% awesome! I'm pretty bad at judging the weather. I always end up running around with wet toes and a cranky disposition. Maybe one day I’ll learn.

  2. LOVE the blue tights and I have to say, you have great hair.

  3. Thank you for our kind comments Iris, I guess all or at least most women grow up with body insecutiries, it's an ongoing struggle, especially for those of us who are not thin by nature. Anyways, I see that you had plenty of snow! Today we are back to the 70's (temperature) can you believe that? =D It's been raining some days but I do miss the cold winter. I love your boots and even though I'm not much of a purse girl, mostly because I can't afford the nice ones I like your, it's bright and pink, Lovely!

  4. I love the bright tights! Those rainboots are perfectly cute. I'm staying thankful that the snow is gone here. I gotta agree with Marianne, your hair is gorgeous and super shiny!

  5. i love, love, LOVE the pop of teal in this outfit! its so unexpected and gives this outfit an edge! happy new years love!

  6. a. i love how your cardi is just a peep longer than your dress. fun proportion.
    b. your hair. are there words? silky when straight and perfect when curly. lucky.
    c. if 2+2=4 then why does 2 brownies+ 2 cookies=5 pounds?

  7. "SUCCESS!"
    I hope all the colors look as nice.

    p.s. of course they're on sale now haha

  8. I like it-
    Even though it was not what you had originally planned it works!

  9. Sometimes I really wish FL weather required rain boots, because I think they're just so darn cute! I love those bright tights, too :)

  10. Oh those peep toes are adorable!
    I do wish I wish shoe dreams and weather realities didn't always have to be an issue. The bright turquoise tights are so fun, definitely love those!


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