As I mentioned yesterday, this week has been a rough one! When I was getting dressed this morning I couldn't really come up with any one item (or classification of items) that fits the bill "Workhorse" so I instead decided to make a grouping of all those things that I stated I rely on so heavily specifically: classic prints and great accessories. I guess that speaks to their true nature as Wardrobe Workhorses or the fact that my brain is absolutely fried... Either way I am so happy to bring you this outfit (however anti-climactic it is) and that it's Friday! I am excited to take part in some of the Fashion's Night Out festivities. Are you planning on attending any of these festivities? If so, which ones? Although there are a plethora of options in Manhattan I have opted to head to Brooklyn and attend Re/Dress NYC's Fashion Night Out event. I have an outfit change planned so, I will take some pictures of that and the festivities for sure!
- Top: green sleeveless shirt with bronze embellishment, LOFT; brown and black zebra print cardigan, New York and Company
- Bottom: denim jeggings, LOFT birthday gift from Mom
- Shoes & Accessories: silver gladiator sandals, Isaac Mizrahi for Target (similar and on sale here); my abuela's vintage silver hoop earrings; purple bag, Coach