Monday, October 25, 2010

October 25, 2010: Unseasonably Warm

I was just getting on the boat for fall and today it is extremely warm... Make up your mind weather! I wanted to try out the tights and shorts thing that lots of people are rocking and so here it is higher temp or not. Now that I've done it I'm not sure that this is really working. I know generally the idea is not a bermuda short (per say) but, that's all I have to work with and that might be what seems off to me. Am I being too critical? Does this work or should I have styled it differently?

It also might be the fact that I am not feeling as comfortable in my clothes as I normally do. I have put on a few pounds (a few = 20+) between stress and not having time to eat properly over the past few months with this recent vacation as the cherry on top. Sufficed to say, I am feeling rather blah about how I'm feeling/looking and the way my clothes are fitting. I'll be honest, it's getting to the point where when I am looking at the pictures that I take (or that are taken of me) I am just looking for the one where I look the least bulge-y, it's not a good feeling. Am I the only one?

Not to get too personal but, I used to weigh alot more that I do now (almost 40 lbs. more that now) and I know now that keeping myself from gaining all that back has to be a daily conscious decision to eat the right things, go to the gym (which I haven't done in a while), and just generally be healthier. I also feel better when I am doing those things but either way, that hasn't been the case. Maybe saying it to all of you will push me to be more accoutable! No one is going to do this (being healthy thing) for me and if I want to keep on doing this (being a happy fun blogger thing) then I need to get that (first thing) straightened out. Besides, I can't really afford to buy any new (fat) clothes...
  • Top: pink flutter trim blouse, LOFT/birthday gift from Mom; gray flyaway cardigan, New York & Company
  • Bottom: black bermuda shorts, dear for Steve & Barry's
  • Shoes & Accessories: black pumps, Candies via Kohl's; silver bead earrings, Tiffany & Co.; black spy bag, Fendi

Items from this outfit are previously seen here:


  1. I love the gray and light pink color combo, it's so romantic and feminine!

  2. I actually think the bermudas with tights are working quite well and you look great. But if you're not feeling it, you're just not feeling it....
    And I hate when I get off my healthy eating track because I know how hard it was for me to get on it. I also lost a lot of weight not too too long ago, and I feel like keeping it off is way more work than losing it the first time. Telling the Internet is all kinds of accountability as far as I'm concerned.

  3. I think the shorts over tights look works better when the shorts are wider, so the distinction between short and tight is more noticeable.

    But they are still cute, and I love the ruffled top and the soft color pallet.

    I hope you are able to stay motivated and keep with your good habits. I know how easy it is to not want to be bothered with exercising and to eat a candy bar and then a resese cup and then a mini hersey bar....


Thanks for your feedback! I really look forward to hearing from you...