Monday, August 23, 2010

August 23, 2010: Sunshine, Where Did You Go?

This week is going to be an absolute mess weather wise; humid, raining, and at the same time cold. What happened to the summer? I thought I still had more time to wear the oodles of dresses and forgotten shoes that I have yet to utilize. I'm looking forward to the last weekend in August being appropriately warm and sunny. I guess they will just have to wait... Either way, I can't wear everything that I have been holding off on in such a short period of time! Today I am trying to get the ball rolling but, I'm not going to stress. This personal style challenge won't come to a close until April and hopefully it will be warming up all over again at that point! Can you believe we are closing in on 6 months already? I can't. Do you hold off on wearing certain items only to realize that you have missed your window? Apparently, I do.
  • Top: red crochet embellished tank top, LOFT; brown and black zebra print cardigan (for the modesty), New York and Company
  • Bottom: gray pencil skirt, New York and Company
  • Shoes & Accessories: black peep-toe wedges, Dr. Scholl's; labradorite earrings, Pennyweights; blue Foley + Corrina City Clutch gifted via Plaza Too

Items from this outfit are previously seen here, here, here, here, and here