Friday, November 5, 2010

Friend Friday: All Natural

1. The move to do away with soap, shampoo and deodorant has been growing in popularity in the last year. What are your thoughts on this trend?

People are entitled to do what they want to do but, as we can see from my product addiction I like to smell nice. As I went over in my original post on that topic I definitely want to cut down on my excessive product consumption but, I will always use deodorant, soap, etc. It seems a little

2. Be honest how often do you wash your own hair?

Every other day if I wear it curly, every three or four days when it's straight. I only ever have my hair washed by someone else when I go to the salon for a cut or a blow out. Are there really people who go to the salon just to have their hair washed? I want to have the money for that, then still do it myself or maybe I misunderstood the question...

3. Have you tried to go the more natural route by forgoing shampoo? What happened? Or would you be tempted to try it?

No that prospect scares me, it would be horrible for my hair and my face. I can't just see the greasy hair and breakouts now...

4. What products do you use and have you ever gone with more organic alternatives?

Well for my hair I use whatever shampoo/conditioner is on sale and is moisturizing. Generally Suave or Herbal Essences. I actually don't use too many products other than that. When I wear my hair straight I use Ojon Restorative Hair Treatment, a more natural thing to add some shine and control the flyaways after I blow it out. When I wear it curly I use Got2B Spiking Glue. It sounds extreme but, haven't found the hold I like in a gel yet and when this worked I stopped looking for other products.

5. What about that daily shower? Would you forgo that opting to shower three times a week instead?

No, just no. I like feeling (and being) clean! There are some rare occasions where I don't shower one day and by the next day I feel gross even though I wash my face, brush my teeth, and everything else other than a shower.

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